Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Soupbeans Gardening Tips Part One

     Hello everyone! Hope all is well. I'm Soupbean. Care to come in have a cup of coffee,kick back,relax  and hear about some handy tips for your garden?
     I've been gardening since I was little. My grandparents and parents would garden every year and I would always help.  It was hard work but worth every minute.
     Gardening has always made me feel at peace and at the end of the day it gives me a great feeling of accomplishment. So I  figured I'd share some gardening secrets I picked up along the way.
     Question  - What do you do with your used coffee grounds after brewing a pot of coffee?   Throw it away?
     Heres a better idea. Take them out and spread them up close and around your tomato and pepper plants. No need to dig it into the soil;  just every time you water your plants pour the  water over the grounds. This is a gauranteed way to enhance your plants quality and yield.
      What about the left over coffee? Personally, I normally drink the pot dry.  But if you have a little left over you can delute it with about a half a gallon to a gallon of water and use this to water your garden plants.
     Now what about tea? Whether you have instant or brewed tea, an  unfinished cup can become quite the source for fertlizer.  Simply delute it with a half a gallon to a gallon of water.
    The acidity in all this makes your garden thrive and the plants just love these methods.
     May you be blessed and have a wonderful day Soupbean :-)
     P.S.  Another quick secret, try singing or humming soft uplifting notes while in your garden.  The plants enjoy this and tend to give a better yield.   Plus,  it is a great way to releave stress and relax :-)


  1. Great ideas. In the winter months, I drink the coffee pot dry but in the warmer months I don't, and I always feel so wasteful dumping it down the drain.

    As far as singing or humming.....well, that's good to do anywhere, anytime!

    The Greenwood Project

  2. Thank you ! Give them a try you will see a dramatic improvement in yield... yeah you are right nothing like a hot cup of coffee in the winter...And right on the money singing and humming is a great way to relax anytime ! and actualy uplifts the plants like it uplifts are spirits to.. Bless you :-)
